
by melissa   Feb 9, 2005

Your words they do not change me as you say them cold and harsh

your look my be deceiving as you scan me with out looking in my heart.

your hits they are so violent as you leave me on the floor forever
will i remain behind your locked dun-gin door.?

do you hear me crying or pacing back and forth?

do you care or would you rather burn me with your torch?

crying seems to be streaming down my face.but i look at you in wonder as you hit me with disgrace.

will you ever love me the way i still love you?

will you call me sweetie pie and say it to.

daddy i look at you but all you do is glare.

i don't want it daddy i don't want the kids to stare.

daddy can i be normal just like the other kids are?

can i dream of something.......can i wish apon that star?

you don't feed me don't want to or just forget.
but I'm a little girl should i really get treated like Shit?

you may leave a scar,a imprint of your may determine
all my future and fate

But tonight i close my eyes as I'm on my bedroom floor and your looking at me through a small crack in the door

your watching me dye as you hit too hard this time watch me as i cry

ill remember daddy all the story's that you told

ill keep dreaming them they'll never get old

bye daddy thank you
I'm glad i knew you long enough
to know ill still love you as times get tough

pleaseeeeeeeeeeee Rate


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