When will you stop?

by Tanya, Mom of one.   Feb 9, 2005

If you would stop looking for something wrong,
Then you might see.
The way I am now,
Is nothing like I used to be.

If you would stop bi*ching,
And finding some reason to fight.
Please realize your MY mother,
Everything would be alright.

You expect me to fail,
I think you get a kick....
In throwing up my past to me,
To get in one last lick.

Thats why they call it a past,
Its over and its done.
The thing that pisses me off the most?
You act like I'm the only one.

Like I'm the only one who sinned,
Even tho I changed my ways,
You constantly look for something bad,
And throw up all my yesterdays.

Give it a rest, I'm doing no wrong!
Al least I came to grips,
That there is more to life than alcohol,
And drugs that make you trip!

I am a good mother, even tho you say,
I could do better by far.
Just remember, I'm only 30,
And at 50 YOU were still in bars.

Stop grabbing at strings just to fight,
Things you say make no sense.
You don't want to have a pissing contest with me,
I'd kick you over the fence!

I'm not the one who is bringing up the past,
Its you, but I think I know why.
The guilt you carry every day for things you've done,
You will carry till the day you die.

I am your scapegoat, your vent If I may,
But also I am your daughter.
Try raising one on your own,
Without any help, or a father.

Put yourself in my shoes for a mile,
Yes, there are things I regret.
But thanks to you its always brought up,
The things I'd rather forget.

Pull your head out of my ass,
And get a life of your own.
Stop telling me what to do,
Or trying to listen when I'm on the phone.

Stop correcting me every day,
And let me learn for myself!
Don't tell me what to do with my child,
Your putting us both thru hell!

I didn't come out with directions tacked to my butt,
You had to learn just like me.
Your pushing me further away from you every day,
All this, cant you see?

I just want to have a normal mother,
Its no wonder why I don't open up,
Cause all you do is throw it in my face,
An I sit there wishing you'd shut up.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    haha! thats so cute dude i so feel you on that one..i wish theyd quit but theres really no way to get through to them..at least i havent found away and by your poems you really havent either but good job on your writing

  • 20 years ago

    by Mandy

    i REALLY enjoyed with poem because i can relate. it sucks doesnt it? arghhh. moms piss me off. good luck<33 i like how it flowed also. beautiful and funny

  • 20 years ago

    by Sexy

    omgoodness this poem was wonderful as well as the other one and it reminds me of my mother still cuz she always wantin me to talk to her about things but i cant cuz she'd b a biznitch about it lol but n e waaaaz great poem

  • 20 years ago

    by Tanya, Mom of one.

    In the line The thong that pisses me off the most.....was supposed to be the THING that pisses me off the most!!! NOT THONG!!!!!!!! SORRY GUYS!