That's What Makes Me Sad

by ** JeNa **   Feb 9, 2005

What is this feeling
that I can't hide?
Everyone can see
the pain I'm feeling in inside.

It's a feeling of love,
but also a feeling of hate.
It sometimes make me sad,
but other times makes me feel great.

The hate is the feeling I have
when I think of what I've done to you.
I'm such a horrible person
for all I put you through.

The love is the feeling I have
when memories of you and me run through my head.
The way I feel for you is unexplainable,
but there are some things unsaid.

Like how much I love you
even though you don't think I do,
or how deeply I care for you
this feelings' not fake, it's true.

I love you more than words can say,
that is definitely true.
I love you more than anything,
there's nothing I wouldn't do.

I hope these words get to you
so you can understand,
That all the stuff that happened
was definitely not part of the plan.

I hope you know I never meant to hurt you,
or ruin what we had,
because I never wanted to lose you,
That's what makes me sad.


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  • 20 years ago

    by xxangelchicxx2000

    wonderful poem. keep it up. good job. :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Robyn Park

    A beautifully sad poem. I really liked it. The ending was surprising, but excellent. Great job. Keep it up.

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    that was great!! the words flowed perfectly..loved it!! keep it up!! :)

  • 20 years ago

    by shannon

    i loved it.. i gave it a 5!

  • 20 years ago

    by lindsey

    Omg i love that's like so relating 2 me right now...That was really nice i promise you that...Well i have some poems up here so u should read mine..i hope u like mine i got like 8 or 9..But keep writing i would love 2 hear more