The key is your smile

by courtney   Feb 9, 2005

A smile in the day
the light of the world
glowing in beauty
so no one will know

by night your tears fall
both crimson and clear
showing the anger
letting out the fear

a mask in the morning
hiding the truth
putting on an impression
so no one questions you

silent screams fill your mind
as you watch your world slips away
you question your existence
you hate every day

alone in your room
you turn your music all the way up
you lock your door tight
let the blood fall every night

you don't remember what happened
what started it all
you cant remember the first night
you let your heart fall

no one can here you
theres no one that knows
the secrets that you hide
the pain never shows

but you know the truth
you have seen it all
every moment every tear
you count them all

the smile is the key
to hiding your pain
its what keeps them from knowing
the scars that you've made...


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by courtney

    its not about anyone in particular... just felt like writting

  • 20 years ago

    by troubled

    awesome poem! if u don mind me askin..whos it about? keep up the good work!


  • 20 years ago

    by courtney
