R.i.p norman

by Ro$h3LlE k.A NeNa   Feb 10, 2005

I miss you yo.
And yesterday’s when it hurt the most.
I was flippin through my homeboys pics.
And there I saw your face again.
I cracked a smile cuz I remembered how you used to be.
Though I felt my eyes swelling with tears.
cuz you ain’t here.
Forgive me, please.
Im so wrong for trying to forget you.
But that’s just tha way I deal with things.
Like I said, im sorry yo.
But i can’t stand tha fact that God’s got you now.
I shoulda gone to flipperz witchu to go play some pool.
I had tha chance to, I just didn’t wanna include you in my “busy” schedule.
I’m sorry Norman for denying you too.
I couldn’t help but thinking that I wuz just gonna be anotha name on your list of booty calls.
I dissed you so many times at first.
Then you started dropping tha flirting and respected tha fact I had an actual name rather than just “hey sexy girl”.
Our friendship was blooming into something beautiful.
We could have been better friends if I just didn’t freakin hold back so much.
At least I know your now resting in peace.
As for me, I deserve to keep living with a guilty conscience.


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  • 20 years ago

    by ~*Sad Girl*~

    hey keep your head up...ive lost homies before..you gotta just let everything that happened in the past go..you cant change it now..nice poem...Alratoz