Fall Breaking__Chapter 5

by Mlkdipdcookie ©   Feb 10, 2005

The car ride was a painfully silent one. I had no idea what to say. We had had a fight earlier that evening, I stormed off in a fit of rage, and now she was picking me up from the police station. When she arrived, she approached me with a hug and an “Are you O.K.?” I nodded; those were the only words spoken between us until we reached her front porch. “I’m sorry,” I choked. “Me, too.” We sat in her room in silence, until she finally asked, “So you wanna tell me what happened?” “I saw a dead body,” I mumbled. “What?! Where?!” “Behind a gas station.” She stared at intently on me. I never made eye-contact. “What did you do?” she implored. “I told the police.” After a few minutes of awkward silence, she asked “How are you doing?” But I just shrugged. “How long ago did everything happen?” “Not too long after I left you,” I muttered. “What did you do?” she inquired with suspicion. All I could squeeze out was “Huh?” “How are you dealing with all this stress? Where’s that knife you had?” I stared at my feet and told her I had thrown it away. “Did you really?” “Yeah, I swear. Now can we drop this subject already?” “Sure whatever.” For the rest of the night, I refused to talk or eat. I tried to take the longest, most scorching shower ever, but no matter how hard I scrubbed, I couldn’t scrape away the guilty sin that stained my presence. I scratched until my blood blurred in my anguished sight. After about 45 minutes, Brit came to check on me. “Sid, are you O.K.?” I believe Satan himself had left those scissors on the back of the toilet and directed my sight to them. I knew my life would never be the same from that day forward. I was horrified at the thought of being found out. I did not deserve to live, and my conscience would not let me. A couple of months earlier I had promised Brit that I would never lie to her again; so I answered in a shrill and panicked voice, “No, but I will be.”

The End

© Copyright Mlkdipdcookie


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  • 19 years ago

    by SavannahSurrender

    OMG this is the best story ever! that is so0 sad but it is so0 good. I loved it! Wow ... I'm so amazed 10/5 my goodness! lol

    much love

  • 20 years ago

    by BrokenMisery

    wow- THAT IS SO GOOD! Good ENDING!!! Keep it up!!!
    luv kt