
by slaMBit   Feb 10, 2005

My cards have been delt
I’m not going to cheat
I need to be strong
I must defeat

This problem I carry
Deep down inside
I take it out on myself
My arm I try to hide

Cutting yourself
Is not a good thing to do
But in all the pain it feels good
And no one ever has a clue

The pain you must be in
To do this to yourself
It is like a release
Even though it’s bad for your health

People say I do it
To draw attention to me
But they don’t feel it
They just don’t see

By saying this
Behind my back
It makes me feel worse
So myself I must attack

Im hanging on
Wit all my might
So these poems
I must write

So if you judge cutters
Please just stop
For one day you might find
You the reason they drop!

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  • 20 years ago

    by Sara

    hey. i like this because it's how i feel too. im a struggling cutter and i say struggle because ive been trying to stop for a long time. but i dont think i ever will. anyway good poem. love, sara