
by DBM   Feb 10, 2005


Crimson lines stain my skin
In swirling paths unfortold
The razor glides smoothly, changing me
Into an artist of paintings bold

The designs that I etch into myself
They shall never dim nor fade
So that I am left with reminders of
My sins ‘till my dying day

Others tattoo colorful skulls
Or fights between demons and men
Still others brand their loved one’s names
Never to be forgotten

Meaningless, all of it seems to me
Why let others inflict you with pain?
I have taken control, only I am allowed
To toy with myself in this way

Everyone looks, but never once
Have they seen what they didn't wish to see
Ignored by many and shunned by all
A loner I am condemned to be

So I recede back into the world
That my imagination has made
Where I am special, one of a kind
An existence that I will not trade

I truly wish that I could forget
This cruel world I love to leave
But as long as I’m forced to live here
It must be my reluctant reality

And as I sit here, lost in thought
In my locked and darkened room
I release my pain in a constant flow
Dripping onto the floor of my tomb.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Puerto_Rican_Chick

    Man... this is deep... i love it!
    i especially love this part...

    "...Everyone looks, but never once
    Have they seen what they didn't wish to see
    Ignored by many and shunned by all
    A loner I am condemned to be

    So I recede back into the world
    That my imagination has made
    Where I am special, one of a kind
    An existence that I will not trade..."

    i've said this before, but your poems are awesome. you're seriously my favorite poet on P&Q.
    great job.

    La Boricua

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashlynn

    I love.Very well written. I like the last line.
    Check me out

  • 20 years ago

    by EpithetPoet

    This was phenomenal. You shouldnt sell yourself short mate, you're a really good poet. This poem is good anyway.

  • 20 years ago

    by Cody

    Awsome! I loved it! It flowed very nicely. kinda forced a couple words, but it's still great.