What You Put Me Through

by Danya   Feb 10, 2005

Why don't u like me any more
why did u break my heart
why cant it just be like before
why are we apart
I cant get over what u did
it cant erase
when somebody would ask who I
love all I could see was your face
it's all too hard how could you
just forget about what we had
if I didn't do anything to hurt you
then why am I the one who’s sad
when you said that it's over
I couldn't believe it was true
because theres no one
I trusted more with my heart than you
I really really liked you
I thought you liked me too
but now you’ve ruined it for us
because I am over you
I'm so scared to love again
for all you did to me
Why did you tell me she liked you
you knew how sad i would be
why did you even stay with me
when all you did was flirt
you kissed me quite a bit I actually fell for you
but now when I think
about you all I feel is hurt
I thought it meant so much to you
but it didn't I can tell
because you ended it with me
now I’m sad that i fell
I fell badly in love with you
It felt so good to be with you
now I'm wondering what I did wrong
cause your the one person who made me strong
your the one who made me feel butterflies inside
your the one I loved and charished and I never let it hide

But now I still have feelings for you somewhere in my heart
But now I think its time that I should restart
That I restart with someone who isnt you
So I’ll be able to get over
What you put me through


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  • 20 years ago

    by Danya

    thanks I am going to read your poems and I'll get back to you
    thanks for the comment

  • 20 years ago

    by Thumbelina04

    wow this is amazing, keep it up! a really touching poem xxx