The long and short of it!

by Liz   Feb 11, 2005

Weave in and out the bodies,
Picking out their faces,
Ducking, Jumping, Sliding,
Avoiding all harm's way.
Feet totter along,
Pitter, Patter, Pitter, Patter,
Like rain, race through the streets,
The people do not notice,
Tiny bodies at their feet.
The insignificant short-ass,
Stares up into the skies,
Craning their neck,
Curving their spine,
Just to see who walks by.
The disability of being short,
Many there are to name,
But too, are many advantages,
To the shorter end of the stick.
Shame I'm not a short-ass,
I'm a giant in the sky,
I tower over the population,
I too, have no company at my height.

*I know this poem is a load of bull, so you don't need to tell me!*


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  • 20 years ago

    by PuRpLeHaYz

    great poem gav u a 5!!!
    if u hav ne spare time can u cheak out my poem "ill still luv you"
    it wud b kewl 2 no wat sum1 my age thought bout it
    peace out
    keep up da gud workk
    xx hayz xx