Beyond the sun, in the darkest corner of the day
Past the laughter of humanity, and deep inside their sins
Scattered about the black
Like stars in midnight skies
Is where you will find us.
The depressed, dismissed, broken hearts
Who are young in years but aged in pain.
Scarlet slashes from crimson weapons held tight
In hands of stone belonging to hearts of glass.
Scars are worn daily as displays of weakness
We all have many with stories behind each.
Long sleeves conceal what we all carry with us
As though it is not real
If you can't see the proof.
The sun never touches our blackened lives
Our days and our nights just bleed into one
Time is measured by tears and sleep only comes
Once failures and mistakes have been cut away.
Speech is impossible to accomplish
Comfort is convenient but unnecessary.
Though we know others pain as well as our own
We are unresponsive to sympathy.
Consumed in depression we feel naught but cold
And life is only real when we feel the kiss of metal.
Past the laughter of humanity
In the darkest corner of the day
Is where we live only to bleed, breathe only to die
And exist soley to hurt.
There's a million of us, but we're always alone.
That's where you'll find us.