4 days left...

by Steven   Feb 11, 2005

4 days left
96 hours left till it comes
5760 Min's before it arrive
i don't wish for it to come
i don't want it to come
cause all i know
it's gonna be sad
it's gonna be boring
your gonna be in another mans hands
but am gonna be at home alone
watching my past life get taken away from another man
i told you i was better off with out you
i told you that I'll move on and be strong
but i did move on
i did become strong
it's just that i wish i could spend that day with you
i just wish we could just be friends and have fun on that day
cause i know it's over
i know am not the person your looking for
i know you feel weird around me
i know you never loved me
i understand
i always will
i just wish we could be together and spend Valentine's Day together
just as friends
cause i know?
I'll never win you back
I'll never get you back
I'll always be a friend to you
that will always watch your back when your off guard
i just ask a easy and simple question
and all you have to say is yes or no
would you be my Valentine one last time?


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  • 20 years ago

    by «-Pale-Petals-»

    this poem really got to me, it wus such a good one, i hope that she is ur valentine....xoxo