The Edge of the Dock

by skiba   Feb 11, 2005

Alone I sit at the edge of the dock
Waiting to board the ship
Lost in the sound of the ticking clock
Waiting for the mystic trip

The boat has arrived it is here
They run to demand a place
I sit at the edge with disillusion and fear
At the mirage of the ships face

Come one, come all to join the fun
As they lower the planks to board
Glistening and bright as the sun
The darkest illusion is stored

I see behind them that it is stored
The captin is holding the key
Snarling as he locks the door
And throws it into the sea

The ship sails away into the lies
To where it resides I will not-No!
I turn and look at a cloudless sky
Away from the dock I go


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  • 20 years ago

    by skiba


  • 20 years ago

    by solitude

    Well to be perfectly honest this poem lacks soul and basically is not a poem because i infact did not write it. SLOOOOOOOTTHHH!!!