
by slaMBit   Feb 11, 2005

Every single minute
of my life is hell
i sit and wonder
when was it i fell?

my head is all f**k*d up
I'm feeling really alone
I'm waiting for someone
till then ill sit alone

alone by myself
in this world of hate
maybe in this world
being cold and alone is my fate

one night i took a blade
and put it to me wrist
and as i started carving
i wondered if id be missed

if i was to die
would anybody care
i don't think anyone would
but i didn't dare

so instead i just cut
my wrist with the blade
hoping the marks
will soon fade

i try to reach out
but get pushed back each time
Ive dug into this hole
but i slip when i try to climb

so until someone bring a ladder
i sit here with a knife
hopefully one day
be able to take my life


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  • 20 years ago

    by jennifer

    wow that was good. i know that feeling and i can relate.