One last look in your eyes..

by Lauwraah   Feb 11, 2005


One Last Look In Your Eyes

With one last look into your eyes
I can see the truth of all your lies
I don't recognize you anymore
Maybe I didn't even knew you for real before

I want to be there,
But I choose to close my eyes
cause I can't stand to see
How you're falling all over again
Knowing you're just not meant to be

Suddenly a red tear is dripping
Slowly from you soft-skinned cheek
Your painful screams are fading away
And somehow you're getting so weak

I'll hold your hand
When your heart just beats no more
And I'll try to understand
Why your life had closed his door

You were so special
Really, one of a kind
But you'll never find me forgiving you
For leaving me alone behind


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