I always wondered what it would
be like to have a normal family
one day, i always dreamed of the
wishes that i knew would never
come true, but for once i knew..
that i loved you..
you broke my heart, shattered
it completely never knowing it
was there in the first place, you
made me laugh, you made me
cry you make me wish i was never
you caught my attention a few
years back, never knowing the
knowledge you lack, you were
cute, funny and nice but thats
what most girls think of when
they see a guy..
never realizing you talked shit
about me when i wasn't there,
you never liked me and you
never cared..you don't know how
often you made me cry, or how
often i wrote the letters on how
i wanted to die..
all the hearts circled saying "i love
you" are all crossed, all my
memories i liked of you are all
lost, never did i realize the person
you portray, but now i see that
person every day..
you make fun of me just to make
me sad, you laugh at me in school
just to make me mad, ever since
my old friend said i liked you, it
doesn't mean it was true, even
though back then i had the biggest
thing for you..
but now i realized that you're a
shallow bxtch and i hope you
choke or fall into a ditch..
i hope you get the shxttiest life
knowing you paid the price..
the price of being a class a
[(-- a s s --)]