You\'ve Been There...

by KIM7   Feb 12, 2005

You've been my friend
and have been there all the time
Whenever I feel sad and lonely
You're the one to call
because I know for a fact
that you will make me happy
and give me company
Now you are going to be gone
for a while
Even it wont be for long
it would seen to be forever
Now I'm confused
and I don't know why
Maybe because I'm beginning
to feel something for you,
or have I felt this way
for a while
But you only See me as a friend
someone who you turn to
when you need someone
but at least I have you as a friend
instead of nothing at all to you


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  • 20 years ago

    by Katie

    hey..i just wanted to say..great poem. Its like the story of my thanx and good job!