Sweet Valentine

by deepworthlurv   Feb 12, 2005

This goes to my valentine.. ha ha you know who you are!! yes.. and i thought id write ya a Lil poem to show peoples your my valentine?? ha ha yeah.. lolls. except what category does this go under?? oh.. i found where i put it in now..

where do i find the words
to tell you what i feel
where do i find the courage
to help me process and heal
how can i ever hurt you
for it'll tear me into two
for i can never loose you
cause your my special Chrissy-boo
but if i do something wrong
please don't take it to heart
for if you did
it'll feel like a pin toward my heart
sweet valentine
yes i mean you
for i love ya mate
and that fact is true
my Lil angel yes you are
sent from the man above
although we may be separated
from a distance so far
but i always know I'll have you
cause your always in my heart!!

he he.. aw isn't that so cute.. n it only took me like what... 5 minutes to do.. thats cause i kept changing the title.. ha ha.. yea.. ha ha yes.. well HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! even tho theres still like two days till it is!!


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  • 20 years ago

    by tragic

    azera all i can say is thank you haha it makes me feel special i must sound like a fag but i dont care but thanx for this it means so much... sorry i didnt write one for u and that im reading this a bit late i dont go on the comp much let alone this site anymore well take care love ya bra

  • 20 years ago

    by deepworthlurv

    he didnt even read it.. n now im all upset coz ive wasted bloddy time on it (ha more like 5 mins) n he didnt even read it... it hurts.. haha my friend johnny read it n hes like awww.. haha yer so i hope the rest of u's had a gud one... ha practically everyone at skool read it n im embarrased.. cept him.. he doesnt even go to my skool... yes well let me go sob away...

  • 20 years ago

    by N8

    hey I'll deff give ya a 5 on this one great job writin it especially that fast I love those kinda poems that just kinda fall into place like that it's nice huh? well anyways great job
    luv ya

  • 20 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    A sweet and adorable Valentine's poem for that special love. Great job and enjoyed. lol