Against her souls own will

by *suicidal dreams*   Feb 12, 2005

When I stare at my reflection,
I cant help but turn away,
At the girl whose heart is breaking,
Thinking of her last words to say.

She looks at the slits upon her arm,
And remembers all her pain,
She wonders what lead her to this,
And how close the cuts are to her vein.

Maybe if she had gone a little deeper,
She wouldn’t be sitting here now,
And as the knife sits by her side,
She whispers her final vow.

You did this to her, cant you see?
You left this girl heartbroken,
Her final words are being said,
Each one carefully spoken.

She cries so much it hurts,
And looks at her tear-stained face,
Thinking of her life ahead,
Away from this hollow place.

It pains her to know she does this,
But there’s nothing else left to do,
Once more she looks into the mirror,
And once more she is reminded of you.

She stares at her darkened eyes,
And reminisces on her past,
Remembering her ‘brothers’ actions,
And her fate is eventually cast.

In her final note she shall write,
About all the pain she was put through,
And to one person she whispers silently,
‘Haven’t I always loved you?’

She doesnt hesitate to look back,
As she holds the bottle of pills,
One by one she takes her life,
Against her souls own will.


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  • 19 years ago

    by RebeccaPower

    Another amazing poem. I love your style. I can relate so much to it. Keep up all your amazing work. And please don't hurt yourself. xo.

  • 20 years ago

    by *suicidal dreams*

    thnk u :) i appreciate all ur comments xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Unloved ♥

    I haven't read your stuff in a while..this poem was really good..just like the rests..loved it

    Unloved ♥