How could you?

by Sandra   Feb 12, 2005

By the time u and her were finished
i felt a strange sort of pain
deep in my heart
I lay down on my bed, thinking
that something was wrong
I was out of know

U didn't know it was wrong what u just did
U didn't know it would tare me apart
It was Ur need against mine

Was it because u didn't love me anymore?
What have i done wrong to deserve this?
U told me Ur secret one night
and i was upset
I told u i hated u
but deep inside i knew it wasn't true
But the thing u did too me was not right, and i could never forgive u

I thought we had something
U and i together forever
but u didn't want it that way
Now i must live with this memory and without u...

How could u... :(


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kailynn Makenna

    Hey thanks for commenting on my poems! i appreciate it! this poem is really good i liked it a lot! great job!!
