Crimson rain

by Sinister Soire   Feb 12, 2005

The Crimson rain is falling
It’s flowing past in sheets
The torrent never ending
In a million Crimson pleats

It forms above in clouds
So holy from the start
Cloaking me in Crimson shrouds
Making seas to part

So holy a form from up above
Are the droplets such as these
Falling together as in love
Shifting slightly in the breeze

Only I know the truth
To where these drops are from
The means more uncouth
Than any unholy kingdom

Blood was spilt in the making
Of such divine drops
Each time another heart breaking
Every time a drop plops

The blood is truly flowing
Over me in torrents
The eastern wind is blowing
As police are signing warrants

I guess the time is over
Yet the fun has only started
The body under clover
And another one departed

copyright 2005 © Logan Brown


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  • 18 years ago

    by Elynnka

    Excellent rhymes and flow!
    A real pleasure to read due to good imagery and nice wording.
    Good work!

  • 19 years ago

    by Angeline

    Another one about rain. I think when you are going to publish your poems in a book, once in the future, you should make an own chapter named "rain poems"...:) I really like it, just like I like the rain:)

  • 19 years ago

    by cac123

    I loved it.

    the only thing i would change would be the police warrents part it seems like you are forcing the rhyme there. But otherwise this is one of my favorites of yours awesome job!!!

    hang in there

  • 20 years ago

    by Red Charm

    Hey beautiful poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by So-Not-Normal

    Good poem! its kewlio! lol could u check out some of my poems if u have the time??? kk thanks!

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