She is unnoticed
Hiding in the crowds
Never eascaping the chaos of numbers
Victimized every day by those ignorant fools she somehow trusts
Her cries go unnoticed in the dark of her soul
Her scars go unrecognized for what they really are
She struggles into a corner
The darkness lashing out at her
But she can escape
It all seems so unreal
She has no idea for no longer does she feel
It is overwhelming her as she backs away just wanting to surrender
Her nights are full of dreams
Her days are full of wishing for an angel
She quickly sits still
As her mother walks in the room
Hiding her poetry
Hiding her conversation with her one and only
Her one angel
Her mother stands behind her
Making her shiver with every breath
She feels like pure evil has come to sweep her off to hell
But Satan must not prevail
Where, she asks, is this higher being
The one they call god?
Isn't he supposed to protect us?
We are his children
She crawls into her room
Fighting her mother's power
She is urged to get out the cold blade
That she hasn't touched for weeks
She looks up and almost screams in terror
The demons have rejoined her
For another night of struggling
Another night of nothingness
Her cries go unnoticed in the dark of her soul
Her scars go unrecognized for what they really are