Surrounded By Shadows

by Chelsea R.   Feb 13, 2005

Surrounded by shadows
and broken inside
consumed with only pain
left with no pride

did he ever think about her
and how badly it would hurt
I guess he never cared at all
he was a king and she was his dirt

no one ever understood
now she's all alone
cold and afraid
love for him was all she'd shown

but he cheated and lied
and he just let her cry
sitting at home waiting for his call
now she asks herself why

thought she was in love
but it drove her to the knife
she was too blind to see
that he was destroying her life

she will never trust anyone again
things aren't how she thought they would be
in her heart there's nothing left
but shattered pain and misery


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  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    thanx again Rosebud and Disturbed mind im glad you liked it


  • 20 years ago

    by DisturbedMind

    this was sad... but it was good... i liked it... it showed alot of emotion... gave it 5...

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    good use of rhyme. meaningful and expressive! overall, a beautiful poem!

    take care! ,5! always believe in love.

    vote and comment on my poem knock knock! nidhi has come... when you have time. thanks.

  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    Thanx Porscha!

  • 20 years ago

    by Porscha

    That is really good..keep it up.