Comments : If only!!!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by ☼totalDARKNESS☼

    that was a very touching poem. if that was true, then i know what you are going through. i just had the worst scare of my life when my eating dissorder doctor told me i needed to get an ultra-sound casue she thought i might be pregnat!! now that is not a good thing when you are only 14 like me. I have always wanted to be pregnant and my mother always said, "no matter how young you are, i wont mess with your head, ill let you make up ur own mind if you want to give birth, you have always wanted to be pregnanat, and the agony is well worth." i really have always wanted to be pregnant, but i dont think i can wait, but being anorexic and bulimic, smoking and occationally drinking, im not sure if im ready to treay a baby, if i'm not ready to treat myself.

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    that was a great poem!! i thought it was really good!! and as to megg, your only fourteen you have your whole life ahead of you to become pregnat, now just enjoy your life, cuz when you have a baby, you wont be able to do much!! good luck on all your shyann and to megg!! just carefull of what you decide! :)