Incessant Heart Breaks

by Tarikins   Feb 13, 2005

When I bleed, you're not here to hold me tight
And when I cry, you're never there to make it alright
You said you love me, I was a fool to believe you
I was such a fool to believe I loved you too

All the times I'd find myself thinking of you
Thinking I had finally found something that was true
I thought I found something that only seems to be real in fairy tales
Someone whose there when happiness fails

I should of known this was going to happen yet again
Its like no matter what I do all I ever feel is pain
Lost in the darkness and misery
I'm beginning to think love is just a conspiracy

I was a fool to think this was real
I was an idiot to believe it was love, when pain is everything I feel
Its like everyone is out to tear me apart
To pretend to love me then turn around and rip out my heart


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  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    you are not a fool...heart breaks happen to everyone and leave them like fools but it makes you tougher and less likely to make the same mistake.

  • 20 years ago

    by S

    good work. unfortunatley, i kno how u feel. i gave u a 5.

  • 20 years ago

    by Shadowed_Thoughts

    hey you! lol its great i loved it keep it up! take care babe -krystal aka pookie

  • 20 years ago

    by Timothy B

    Liked it

    Good peopl still walk this planet, they're just harder to find than the bad ones