Simply Perfect

by EpithetPoet   Feb 13, 2005

*-This is a bit brutal, just to warn you beforehand-*

Blood meet the walls
Stained in your mind
Vacant eyes lookin up
Yet so eerily kind

Slightly vomit
Looking at the mess
Reach composure
As the body blessed

Her blood drained
Used as paint
Silently dripping down
Feeling faint

Butchered little girl
Most yet to be found
Police cross of prospect
Thought to have drowned

Only 5 years of age
Learning how to swim
She never though twice
As she saw him

He came out to swim
But it was his lucky day
He saw her there
Asking if he could play

She was so happy
Thinking she had a new friend
Little did she know
Her young life would soon end

He grabbed her throat
Plunged her deep down
Watch contentedly
As she slowly drowned

Her little arms
Lifelessly swayed
As he pulled her out
Comfortably laid

He brought her to his house
Marveling at her skin
He'd never seen anything so pretty
He yearned to be in

He caressed her face
Now stiff and blue
Undressed her body
To her pretty pink shoes

Stared at her a while
Admiring his find
Made him feel so hot
So simply divine

He had to have her
Suppress the urge
But his feeling of lust
Began to surge

He couldn't take it
No more wasted time
Wanted innocence his
The feeling sublime

Climbed atop her
Placed on the bed
Started to kiss her
From toe to head

Loved his prize so much
Loved each and every bit
So innocent and beautiful
Simply Perfect

He become hard from his passion
Needed her now
Broke through her supple flesh
What would allow

He kept pushing and pushing
Fill his desires
As her blood readily flowed
He so admired

Her flesh wasn't enough
He needed her all
Each and every drop
Of his very perfect doll

In his passionate aura
He slit her in two
Bathed in her blood
That wistfully drew

Spread his love on the walls
Marking her place
Carving out her beauty
Mounting her face

How beautiful she looked
Mounted on HIS wall
She would never ever leave
Never wanted anything at all

His wonderful find
Beauty gingerly sits
Only for his eyes
Simply perfect

*I kinda grossed myself out with this one... i really need to stop watching CSI... The story sequence is a bit hard to understand but I'm hoping someone got it*


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by TrUtH hUrTs

    I GOT IT ALLRIGHT!! it'l lovely..reminded me of silence of the lambs...very very awesome stuff...keep writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by ElegantlyWasted

    So much imagery, description, and great explosive detail. This poem sat me back on my behind for sure. Well done girl :D i loved it, as usual your poetry rocks my socks.


  • 20 years ago

    by Kalika

    wow, extremely disturbing, extremely discriptive, and extremely well was an amazing poem, but intensly creepy....


  • 20 years ago

    by iwanttobalone

    that was very interesting. really good, bbut slightly creepy.

    reaminds me of law and order, svu.. and csi..

    well written. keep it up

  • 20 years ago

    by «-Pale-Petals-»

    wut an extreme poem allie