I don\'t belong

by Greta   Feb 14, 2005

I don't belong here,
not in this place,
I'm sick of shedding tears,
They're running down my face.

Daddy, you abandoned me,
Mother, you didn't care,
Sister, you hated me. we never agreed.
And brother, don't touch me again, don't you dare.

My boyfriend was all i had,
when i was feeling low and sad.
but then you took your own life,
that was when i turned to my knife.

i would run to the bathroom,
and lock the door,
push the blade into my skin, and watch the blood fall to the floor.

I'm lying on the floor now,
Knowing i don't belong,
my life's about to end now,
What did i ever do wrong?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Wolfwood

    Good poem, I know how most of this can feel. If these things happened to you feel free to tell me, ill help with what i can.

  • 20 years ago

    by Britt

    great job...excellent flow~
    keep it up i loved it
    love always,

  • 20 years ago

    by Carmen

    Wow.... very emotional.