by Shy   Feb 14, 2005

If you were me
Would you be OK?
Then how can you tell me Everything is fine
Nothing is fine!
My world is falling apart
My heart is shattered
My bones are broken
You don't try to fix it
You just try to make me escape
To some alternate reality
But my fantasy world
Has been ruined too
Nothing is left
What do i do?
Just sit here and listen to you
Repeatedly say
It's gonna be OK
Well i got news for you
I was OK till you came


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lisa

    A very angry poem, not much structure, but alot alot of emotion.. very well written, I can feel how mad you are, Good Job.

  • 19 years ago

    by Rolo

    Ah, well this is a little better. I saw more emotion. Keep adding your feelings and go into more depth. Nice job. Keep writing, you can only get better.

  • 19 years ago

    by abcede

    wow! ok, so i normally don't like this kind of set-up for a poem, but this one really worked. it had a clear idea of where you were going and it flowed very well!! AWESOME JOB! you made me like something that i normally don't like! (example.. it's like.. if you made me like brocoli.. yea.. stupid.. never mind! lol) great job, again!
    Abcede ^,^

  • 19 years ago

    by jencam

    nice emotions

  • 19 years ago

    by -Erin-

    I like this one,it has alot of emotion..great work ^,^
    I'd love to see from you so i shall add you to my favorites.

    Keep on writing and allways believe.
    </3 Erin