The Loss of A Friend

by jenn   Feb 14, 2005

It was Friday night
You'd had a rough week at school.
You thought you'd go out for some "harmless" fun
even though you were breaking the rules.

There was a party at Matt's house
you figured that'd be something fun to do.
There was plenty of marijuana and alcohol
Apparently that was the cool thing to do.

It's not like you to conform with trends
It's not like you to care what others think
but you gave into peer pressure that night
without so much as a second blink

One bye one, you tanked the drinks down
your problems had become too much
Your blood alcohol level began to rise.
and you didn't even seem to care.

Two hours and at least three 12 packs later
I call you on the phone
you told me you'd crash there that night
But lied, and tried to drive yourself home.

Your blood alcohol level was at least 4 times the legal limit.
You could barely walk and talk, let alone drive.
You were scared and knew you had to get home before curfew
If you had just waited til morning, you'd still be alive.

Your driving was impaired.
there's no doubt about that.
You took a curve to fast
now you lie on the ground, helpless and flat.

A few hours after I first talked to you
Because of the telephone ringing, I was awakened from my sleep.
with my stomach tied in knots, I had a feeling something was wrong.
But when I picked up the phone, I didn't even hear a peep.

I knew someone was on the other end, so I just waited.
And after a few minutes I heard a man say.
"Ma'am, your friend was killed in a drunk driving accident"
But I knew he was wrong, There was just no way.

Drinking was so unlike you
You'd experienced first hand the possible outcome
You lost your mom in a drunk driving accident
I figured you'd learned from what she had done.

I can't understand for the life of me
Why I didn't go with you that night.
Yes, I had a date with Chris
But I had a feeling something wasn't right.

I understand you had alot going on.
But that doesn't make it right.
When you chose to drink and drive,
You chose to give up the fight.

Now you've left me here alone
With nowhere left to turn
But maybe if I share your story
Someone else will learn

Drinking doesn't solve anything
This much I thought you knew.
But because you gave into conformity
Now I have lost you.


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  • 20 years ago

    by *Sherrie*

    you know I have been in the same place as your friend in the poem... but i would never drink and drive... but your poem made me think and i really like that...xox Sherrie