Goodbye abuse

by ElegantlyWasted   Feb 14, 2005

The paper again blank,
From words i cannot say
I guess i just got scared,
After what you did today

I'm sorry that i spoke,
And I'm sorry that i cried
But, Dad, please listen,
For once believe I've tried

Tonight was just so horrible,
And again i felt the sting,
Of a thousand pounding fists
Hammering against my skin

"Dad, don't hit me again,
It really hurts my head"
But you don't even notice,
You'll just beat me till I'm dead

Never have you been around,
To comfort me from pain
Instead you use forceful hands,
Only proving you more insane

My heart is bleeding inside,
My face stained black and blue
I really hate lying to them,
For the abusive things you do

People are starting to wonder,
If my excuses are real
Many lies I've told them all,
Of the bruises that won't heal

"Falling over, tripping up,
Even walking into the door,
Playing sports on the weekend
And slipping on the floor"

Dad, i have no more heart
To cover up your dirty lies
I tried my best to listen,
To be quiet, and to hide

But after years of yelling,
And flying ceramic disks
I'm ready to run away,
From the hardness of your fists

I'm picking myself of the floor,
And screaming in your face
I don't care who hears me
Because i f cuking hate this place

So say goodbye to memories,
Of chucking things at me
Say fare well to my gutless heart,
A new, strong person you will see


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by xRachelx

    Wow, excellent poem even if it so sad. I know how you feel. I hope things get better for you.

    Take care,

  • 20 years ago

    by Chris Young

    Nicely put. The last stanza refers to a stronger proud of every moment you stand tall: don't let his fire burn you.

  • 20 years ago

    by shenoa

    wow, this was so intense... im sorry if you had to go through this... i know how you feel... wow, amazing job.

  • Ww, very emotional poem. I really liked it and I hope it's not true! 5/5 Take care!


  • 20 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    This poem had such pain and heartache in its words, whatta write a great poem to read keep it up and stay strong :o)