Comments : Empty emotions (depressed or not?)

  • 20 years ago

    by Poppy

    i feel your pain, (wow that sound sooo silly) anywho yeah i no what ur going though i've been throught a more or less similar thing. adopted , depression ya no. the pain of being called names is worse when your depressed, just tell the to die, or hit them worked for me. depression sucks but maybe u need to talk to someone.. well if ya do i'm here.. or the the r pleanty of careing peeps here. Poppy.

  • 20 years ago

    by Elise

    very deep poem...I love it...You sure have some talent ! I know how you feel...Life is so unfare...Keep writing ! Ur good...Take care,

  • 20 years ago

    by Bredada

    grl please take careurself ur poem was good i noe how it feels to be told by some1 if ur happy or not deyr not in u n dont noe wut ur really feelin well rate n comment on my opems LUV UR POEM