What You Mean To Me

by Liam   Feb 14, 2005

I'd travel the earth,
Walk on my bare to feet,
over hills, water and air.
Just to be with you.
I'd carry on, non stop,
not bother looking at the clock.
Use all of my energy,
Just to be with you.

I'd Sail oceans afar,
I'd fly, fly open Sky's,
miles at a time,
Just to hear you say three words.
I'd give up everything,
Halt my life,
Just devoted to you,
Just to hear you say three words.

I Love You


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  • Beautiful poem Liam


  • 19 years ago

    by dani

    awww its soo sweet

  • 19 years ago

    by Amit

    beautiful poem! very very beautiful poem! organised, and expressive work . keep writing :)

    take care, 5! always believe in love

    dont forget to vote for my poem knock knock! nidhi has come,

    ♥ amit ♥

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