
by ashley   Feb 14, 2005

Painted from my head to toe,
But nobody can see,
Because it’s an invisible coat,
That only covers me…

Painted with happiness,
To cover the sadness deep within,
To hide my true emotions,
From what I’ve seen and where I’ve been…

Painted with honor,
Dignity and pride,
To mask away the shame,
Almost too much to hide…

Painted with a smile,
So nobody sees me frown,
Covering up the smudges from tears,
In which every day I drown…

Painted like a trophy,
For everyone to see,
A perfect shining person,
Someone who is not me…

Painted strong,
Though inside I’m dying,
My terrors exceed me,
I can’t stand much more trying…

Painted without a mistake,
Nobody can find a flaw,
So no one will look at me,
And be in anything but awe…

Painted with an ideal life,
That everybody wishes they had,
Little do they know,
There life is not as bad…

Painted with an image,
Without any hurt or pain,
I wish people would look deeper,
And then look once again…

Painted fake,
Until the day I come through,
And say this is what I really am,
And it’s because of you…


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  • 20 years ago

    by Fighter (Ariane L.)

    wow... im speechless... this is beautiful and amazing. by far, one of my fav. beautifully written. i can relate. anyways, keep up the great work!

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