Love in your eyes

by Tammi   Feb 14, 2005

You tell me you love me
You tell me its true
Why am I sitting here so blue.

When I was with you last night
Everything felt so right
Till I said good night
I turn and locked the door tight.

When the phone rang last night
I saw a look of love in your eyes
Not for me it was for the man
On the other end of the line.

It hurt so badly but I know
Not another minute could I stay
I just had to walk away
Before my tears began to show.

I want you to be happy everyday
That is why my love I must put away
You know I will love you till my dieing day

From my mouth these 3 words again I can never say I love you

All I can do now is hope and pray
That he will make you happy each and everyday


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  • 18 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    Yea this poem is very nice... i know exactly how you feel here...
    its sad... but always keep ur head up!

  • 19 years ago

    by kirsty

    very well done! exellent poem very emotinal and vry good! i enjoyed it imensly

  • 19 years ago

    by nobody

    strikes me in the heart!!!...thanks for this wonderful poem!....^_^

  • 20 years ago

    by krysten

    You have an amazing way of writing and i can so relate my g/f just broke up with me and it hurts you obviously love her alot and i hope things work out with you two. I hope she knows she lucky to have someone like you.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    beautiful and very well written :) correct one spelling mistake in last line, *everyday* instead of *everyda* u write very well :)

    take care, 5! always believe in love

    dont forget to vote for my poem knock knock! nidhi has come, if u didnt vote already!

    ♥ amit ♥