Valentines Day

by Jacklyn   Feb 14, 2005

The flower that lasted an hour,
I received this Valentines Day,
The red flower warmed my heart,
But the message alone tore it apart,

He explained to his lonely life,
The few friends he ever had,
He explained to me his grades,
The low ones he never lacked,

Rejected by every girl,
Always fought with his father,
A year ago he lost his mother to cancer,
He was bullied by a girl and beaten to the floor,

All of his life he has been alone,
A shadow in the classroom,
A speck on the wall,
His lips forever zipped, nothing ever to say.

No one caught his fall,
We all stood aside when he took his life,
He sent me this flower,
This certain Valentines Day,

Simply because I was the bully,
Who brought him down each and every day,

The flower that lasted an hour,
Fell to the floor,
I broke down and cried,
His death was my entire fault,
Because I just wanted a bullies pride.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    That's so so sad.You have allot of talent.

    Warmest regards,


  • 19 years ago

    by †JustAri†

    So frickin sad...*sniff* awwwwwwww......AWWWWWWWWWW!!! Yeah, I'm wonderin too: It sounds really creative, but has it actually happened? Awww (I can't stop). It's been, what, 2 minutes since I've commented on another one of your poems? Hahaha i wanna thank u for the comments you're givin me. I LUV YA SO MUCH MWAHAHAHAHAHA. Peace Lil Slam, Keep it TITE!!! //ARI\\

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Girl

    Total shivers.......thats was stunning.
    And so so sad :( xxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Carmen

    omg... that's so sad!

  • 20 years ago

    by holly

    this is a great poem its really good of you to come out and write about this
    take care