I Will Not Be There

by Rachel   Feb 14, 2005

You have hurt me in so many ways
More ways than you can ever believe
Being a good friend to the one who actually cared
I something you did not achieve

I did so much for you
And was nothing but a friend
But all of that is over
I guess this has to be the end

I was the one you used to talk to
About everything that went through your mind
I thought that you were different than the rest
I thought that you were a magnificent find

But now you have hurt me so much
And I don't know what to do
I used to think that you actually cared about me
But all you really cared about was you

You talked so down to me
And in a way that no one else would
If I was strong enough to tell you what I actually thought
I guarantee you, I would

So you can think what you want
Because me opinion will never change
Now that you came in and hurt my heart
My whole life I have to rearrange

I have people who actually care about me
Because I know that you never will
But now I have an empty space in my heart
That you will never again get to fill

It seems like you don't even care about me
And you never really did
But you would talk so bad about me
Almost like you were still a kid

Every time I'm done talking to you
I always start to cry
Then I try to tell you what happened
And you would always ask why?

So I guess our friendship is over
It has come to the end
And for you to tell me I was never there
Is not a characteristic of a true friend

So continue on with you life
But it will have to be without me
Because all of the times I was hurting
Because of you, the same I will never be

So when you have nobody
And you need somebody to care
Do not try to call me
Because I will not be there

*This is really the way I feel about somebody so all comments are appreciated*


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  • 14 years ago

    by Raven

    Amazing, because exactly how i feel after this past weekend... where my best friend and i fought over nothing. and she hurt me ... thank you for this... keep up the great work!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lucy

    i think your poem was truly amazing and you really showed how you felt about your so called 'friend.' your use of words were so strong yet emotional which gets me thinking about life and what ppl can do to you. a lot of ppl say 'i no wat ur going thru' wich is tru bcoz things happen 2 every1 at all times but u seemed so serious and honest in your poem, i dont think any1 can rele understnd how much this 'friend' has changed your life. but it was a brilliant and beautiful poem. well done, take care, luv lucy x

  • 20 years ago

    by kid

    hey rachel its danny..the colorado danny i was just passing by yesh i live in aurora..but i go to thorton sometimes cause i have peeps up there..but ill talk to you sometime later..email me..sometime

  • 20 years ago

    by lynn

    There is one word that can really tell what I think about this poem. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by lzeeker57

    Wow ur poem is so good! it's written really well....your a reallly good writer...