U LoVeD Me 4 Me

by *AsHLeY05*   Feb 15, 2005

Looking back now i see,
How much you really mean to me.
Playing kickball, school or house,
No one knew what we were all about

Prank calls, laughter and mignight walks,
Still fighting over whose Boyfriend has more flaws

You are the one person who can see behind my smile
and you know when i need to sit and cry for a while.

Thinking about it now makes me grin,
I kinda feel like your mother hen.
Ugly boys and that stupid \\\"ghetto\\\" girl,
Knew if they messed with you i would give them a whirl.

You are the sister i never had
it doesnt matter if your good or bad.

I love you for who you are not who you try to be
Because you\\\'ve always loved me that way and loved me for me!

*DeDiCaTeD 2 My CoUsiN BeVeRLy*

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  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    That's really cute, and nice, I wish somebody would write a poem like that for me...