King Blade

by :*:A:L:Y:C:I:A:*:   Feb 15, 2005

The blade
it calls to me

It's my King
i obey it's commands

it tells me to cut
make the blood come

and i obey
like a slave to its every command

i don't fight it though
i don't want to fight

i love the pain it causes
love the blood i bleed

want more and more of it
every night i want to bleed

i try to ignore its calls sometimes
hoping that i might get away

but who am i kidding?
to to its command I obey

i am it's slave
and a happy slave i am

because the blade is my love
my one and true love

it never left me
its always there when i need it

its never done anything i didn't like
and i yearn for it

so nothing is wrong with me
so back off

i don't need help!
I'm happy... don't you see?

quit saying that your "helping" me
all your doing is killing me!

your taking away everything i want
and leaving me with nothing

why would living in hell
be better than what i have now?

i love that blade
its done nothing wrong

now leave me alone
and let me bow to my king


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