Something About You

by miiss lala   Feb 15, 2005

I guess there must be something about you
something about the way that you smile
Or how you make everything we do
seem worth while

Something about the way you hug me
and hold me oh so tight
it just makes everything
feel so right

Something about the way that we kiss
and the way that our lips touch
I just gotta let you know
that I love you so much

Will all that of my heart
and all that i am
You make me so happy
even when I'm just holding your hand

*i know it's not the best but oh well please vote & comment* thanx!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Gracie Jo

    I liked this poem a lot. =] thanks for the comment & vote. take care.

  • 20 years ago

    by Aysha

    luved this one.. u have such talent.. keep it up!

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebecca

    I thought it was a good poem, Keep it up.


  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    rhymers are always impressive u knw, and u did it very well! beautiful poem, keep writing! :)

    take care, 5! always believe in love

    dont forget to vote for my poem My first valentine's day with(out) you, my Juliet!,

    ♥ amit ♥

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