We need more Holidays!!

by Tanya, Mom of one.   Feb 15, 2005

You've got Christmas, and New Years,
And a day for your birth,
A day for the Easter Bunny,
And a day for a bird. (Thanksgiving)

You have a day for a president,
And a day for Mr. King,
A day for little Goblin's,
And on Valentine's Day, you might get a ring!

What about all the days,
that pass throughout the year?
Little "not so important things",
That no one ever hears?

The Bad Hair Day needs to be observed,
where all girls can were a hat,
To cover up that awful mess,
No matter where they work at!

There needs to be a day set aside,
For those days you have gas...
So you could call into work and stay home,
So it will finally pass!!!

And what about PMS Day?
If we could single it out.....
Just give us one day alone!
So we can eat chocolate, and pout!

What about a Dic* Day?
You could hand out little tokens,
To all of those guys that pissed you off,
Or left you there, heart-broken.

Of course we need a Bi*ch Day,
One set aside for us,
So we won't get lectured,
For causing a little fuss!

Lets not forget a day for Sleep,
Cause usually when your lacking,
Thats the day your alarm goes off,
And so does your Boss, for slacking!

Also a day for The Crab's,
Just in case you got infected,
And with this one, your not alloud to return anywhere,
Until they are no longer detected!

We need a day just for SEX,
No interruptions all day or night,
That would fix all frustrations,
And cure a lot of fights.

And last but not least, a Day just for YOU,
To do with as you wish.....
If you can think of any more....
Just add them to this list!!!

****Seriously, in your comments, add a day and tell us why!!!****


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kristin

    hahaa i like eddie's idea haha

  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    I think they should make a i hate you day...lol where you tell everyone why you hate them of course it wouldnt be a very good holiday and the one thing i dont understand is how they send out happy cards but you never see *i hate you cards* someone should really consider makin them because i know they could make a ment off them anways i love ya girl you impressed me once again no suprise keep up the good work i love readin it! haha

  • 20 years ago

    by Tanya, Mom of one.

    I want to see YOU and WHITNEY meet up!!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by bluehun

    hows about a u.s.a/ u.k cumming together week holiday.,wen our 2 super powers pay for lovers far away to meet each other for a week hell yeahhhhh,now that would be a great week off just think of all the fun people could have meeting up etc etc ."blue smiles and takes deep excited breathes"lol

  • 20 years ago

    by Tanya, Mom of one.

    or hangover Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays......