
by Sarah-rae .w.   Feb 15, 2005

I have a little annoying brother,
and i cant for get the other,
they both are really retarded,
and always say "oops i farted",
there sick little minds,
and stupid little whines,
drive me totally insane,

while i have to live with these two freaks,
I'll always have to walk by the family that really reeks,
well these are my brothers,
you can find no others,
but if i was you,
id flush them away just like poo!

**loll this ones dedicated to my brothers!**


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  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah-rae .w.

    hahah... i made this one for you taylor... i knwo it sucks but i thought i was funnie! hahaha your such a freak for a brother!