Valentines day

by stephalee   Feb 15, 2005

This valentine’s day I will say goodbye
Please oh please don’t start to cry!

I'm letting go of your hand
And on the pavement hard I will land

I just can’t take it anymore
This I death I know is for sure

This valentine’s day I'm giving up hope
I'm finally letting go of the rope

My heart has been shattered into a thousand pieces
As the pain in my soul quickly increases

Sad an alone
All on my own

This valentine’s day I am giving up my life
Giving up all of my dreams being your wife

As I laugh at my fantasies so foolish and crazy
Everything is starting to fade hazy

To think that I had you in my grasp
As I surface from the water I take a deep gasp

This valentine’s day I will soon realize it was all just a dream
As stupid as it may seem

All the times you held me in your arms
And told me I was safe from harm

All the kisses we use to share
All the times I thought you were there

This Valentines Day will be my last
Soon I will be all in the past

Gone like a leaf fallen from the tree
I will break lose and finally be free

The shackles will break
And I will make the biggest mistake
This valentine’s day I will say goodbye
And as I leave I will wipe the tears that fall from your eye

I love you now and forever will
As I finally swallow that last and final pill


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  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Great poem please take a look at my poems!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    Sad but i love it. i love your ryming scam.---Rachel

  • That is very sad butvery well written, it flows. well done! Thanks for your comments!

  • 19 years ago

    by hopelessregret

    This is a good poem, but please please don't tell me it's true... Please hold on there are people who care about u... Just hold on
    Always here for you, Mandie

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