I messed up bad

by notquiteright   Feb 16, 2005

I'm so sorry. I messed up bad.
I was your safety zone. I was the shoulder you would lie your head on.
I was your best friend.
But now I screwed that up, you trusted me with all your heart.
From start to end, you never kept anything from me. If I could take back what i did id do it in a heartbeat.
I deceived you...I've lost your trust.
My heart is broken even though it was my mistake, I can tell by the look in your eyes that yours is too.
I seems impossible to make up for what I did.But if you could please give me one more chance i think i can try to make it up to you...So please i love you... Best Friends Forever


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  • 20 years ago

    by Missy_May

    Hey girl, Damn, that's powerful..if i may ask, what'd u do?...keep writing girly ur doin great!
    lotsa love