My Daddy

by Tanya, Mom of one.   Feb 16, 2005

To the man that has brought me up,
And never let me down,
My dad, friend, and teacher,
Letting me grow, not making a sound.

Carefully you watched me,
Guiding me thru life's maze.
Raising a girl by yourself,
At times I'm sure you felt crazed!

Childhood memories were the best,
You told me stories of "back when",
In my mind over the years,
I've played them over and over again.

From trips down Icenhower Road,
To ventures up Dogget Mountain,
Flying thru the straits in your Z7-1,
With nothing but plastered grins!

From listening to the 80's music,
To our favorite...Bob Seger,
Makes me want to go back,
And let the songs linger.

Growing up on Sandy Mush
Was never bad in my eyes.
It was always my "safe haven",
Its where I have true ties.

Thru my high school years,
I know I was a total witch.
A virgin that acted like,
I had the 7 year itch.

But you've stood by me thru everything,
Even when I came home,
And told you the news that day,
I'd soon be having a child of my own.

You took her in as if she was yours,
She now calls you Papaw Daddy.
To know that you are proud of her,
makes me truly happy.

I love you daddy, so much it hurts,
To me, your the best man I have ever known.
For all the years and things you sacrificed for me,
And for all the love you have shown.

***Thank You Daddy...I'll always be your little "Tan-Tan"****


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  • 20 years ago

    by Tanya, Mom of one.

    I had to put this thing under SLANG poems due to words like Icenhower, and Dogget, and thru.....I wanted it under family!!! SORRY YA"LL!!!