
by bill   Feb 16, 2005

The darkness flows
it flows within every soul
but when its released it becomes
depression or anxiety

the light can guide you
out of the darkness
when someone needs you
beside them it is easier

that person helps you by believing
helps by trusting
helps by loving the every moment you were there
the person is not hateful

when you fall into the darkness
you can come out
with the help
the need for you to be with someone

the help of one can be the only way
to be brought back is a gift
to mean that one person really does care
to be cared for is a feeling

that can overwhelm all others
like hate pain misery
despair darkness
the world closes in

the only thing that you can hope for
is someone will care enough to believe
and they will guide you out of the darkness
and into the light to be at their side once more

the hope love and friendship
between two cannot be broken by darkness
darkness has the weakness
death is darkness

death can be defeated when you confer its appetite
death is a weakened substance of darkness
death is defeated by life
life is the meaning of all existence

life is not deaths plan
deaths plan is darkness
the darkness flows within
if there is to much darkness

death will take your soul
but when you give your soul to one
the one you love will never let go
the love between the two has all meaning

the meaning saves a person as long as this
love can overpass death
love is the savior of life
if life were only meant for death

the world would be non existing
to be non existing there would be
no meaning for darkness
hate misery pain and suffering...


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  • 20 years ago

    by Jenn

    hey, good poem....keep it up!!

  • 20 years ago

    by bill

    to everyone that expects more well more will come from thank you for reading my poem this art takes time i hope everyone enjoys this

  • 20 years ago

    by she died screaming.

    hehe go biwwy!
    you should write/enter more
    and write me comments also

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