Understanding Yourself Equals the Amount of Beauty In a Flower

by Caleb   Feb 16, 2005

A moon's arm bares the satisfaction of warm cloth
Within the betrayel of lifted eyes.
Across the pavement, you lay breathless;
Below the smile, a dead body shall quiver.

Kiss the dense fog
I love you
Let us kiss the dense fog...


Some go to great distances to find a certain completion or confidence in others when all they have to do is give themselves the opportunity of self-assurance.
- Caleb Kile 2005


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  • 20 years ago

    by CinnamonTwirl

    wow, thats deep. Me, i write plain and simple but I love this poem none the less. 5's 2 u. You in my fav's now.

  • 20 years ago

    by Heathergirl

    good poem...