Finally Free

by *~^Heart*Broken^~*   Feb 16, 2005

I look down at my knife.
Then i look back over my life.
Yes its been hard, yes its been tough.
But now i am done. I have had enough.
No more cutting. EVER again.
This i promise to all of my friends.
It does not solve anything. It just causes more pain.
So now i quit. I have allot to gain.
Ya, i hurt and ya i still cry.
and Yes sometimes i still want to die.
But i wont cut cause i dont want the scars.
I am tired of fighting all the losing wars.
I know it hurts you when i do.
Your names on my knife so when i pick it up i will think of you.
That should stop me and i will leave it be.
It feels so good to finally be free.
Cutting is so stupid and it just causes more.
And then for a while your arms are sore.
You always have to watch what you wear.
You can not ever leave your arms bear.
And if you do you will get questioned.
And get long lectures about what your "destined"
I am proud of myself and i hope you are.
But at least i wont have to worry about any other scar.
I am tired of people telling me to stop,
Just to go home and watch their own blood drop.
So do not tell me to stop unless you do too.
And please take this advice from me to you.
If you care about me write my name on your knife.
That way you will think of me when your about to end your life!!!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Jessie

    i'm trying to stop. that helped me. to think of the knofe that way. thank you a lot.

  • 20 years ago

    by chelsea

    that was so good im trying with all my heart to stop..u gave me hope thanks!!