
by Trevor   Feb 16, 2005

I wonder why did I ever like you?
I gave you everything
You gave me nothing in return
You knew how I felt about you
Why didn't you say that you didn't feel the same?
You played this charade with my heart
Pulled the strings like a puppeteer
You told me where to go, what to do
Playing my heart like a piano
You fcuked up my life
Why did I listen to all the lies
I thought this was the happiest time of my life
Looking back it was the worst
I hate you more than anyone else
But tell me why do I still love you
If I could take it all back I wouldn't
I keep thinking to myself
If I had done it different something would work
I know nothing would change if I did it over though
I know you played me, you didn't fcuking care
You thought it was fun, fcuking up my life
I never saw it through my adoration
I wish I had so I could of prepared myself
From going to the ultimate high
To the ultimate low
I still love you, but I hate you too
I can't hide these feelings anymore, I need to tell you.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Danielle

    Aw. You really loved this girl didn' U? Yeah, I've had my heart broken once, and I've just recently gotten over it alil bit. I have a new boyfriend who treats me great. I hope u find that. Good luck. And please read my poems. I feel that they would help u (and U MIGHT Actually Enjoy Them) lol