Storms of hatred

by oOXkonnXOo   Feb 17, 2005

The sky is clouded
with gray storms of confusion

sorrow and regret
pour from every cloud
soaking my feeble body
and washing away
all safety and protection

leaving nothing
standing between me
and the ruthless reality
i have tried to escape

i lie naked on the rain-soaked earth
angry raindrops
pound me into the ground
harder and harder
louder and louder
faster and faster still
until i cannot take any more torture

silence reins as the storm rolls away
and my lifeless body
lies broken in the mud


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  • 20 years ago

    by Marta

    wow, very descriptive and expressive. really deep and emotional, i loved it! amazing work, keep it up. xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    great job!! keep it up!! :)

  • 20 years ago

    by oOXkonnXOo

    Yeah you're right about the reigns thing, i didn't notice that lol whoops! And about the way I break the stanzas- I can honestly tell you I don't know. lol. When I wrote this poem it just sorta came to me and I didn't really pay attention to what I was writing.. and thats the way it turned out to be broken up. lol sorry I can't give you a better explanation.


  • 20 years ago

    by UM

    Wow...awesome. Couple questions though...Why do you break the stanzas where you do? And in the last stanza I think reins(definition- leads that are used to guide a horse or other similiar animal) should be reigns(definition-to rule over). Just my thoughts. Perhaps you will answer them? Nice poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amberlee

    Good poem. Keep em' coming!!! :)