I live for you

by Miss Kay   Feb 17, 2005

They say I have a reason in life
It's why they don't think i should die
I question what it is, its so confusing
My pain, i know, to some it's amusing
I have figured out why I'm here
It's because of you, my love, my dear
We were meant to be together
I'm sure they mean for it to be forever
I love you, you see
More then you could ever love me
But that's okay
I'll love you until the world turns forever grey

copyright 2005 © Kayla Rogers

This isnt dedicated to anyone, it just came to me.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Miss Kay

    Love isn't overrated. It's just that some of us are not so lucky. Everyone will find someone some day.

  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah

    Meh, love is overrated lol. Long time no talkie hun.. Hows life been treatin ya? Good I hope... Got some funny news to tell ya.. lol... Hope to talk to you soon. Tootles.

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    aww that was a great poem!! thanks for the comment!! keep it up!! :)